Friday, January 11, 2013

Live Your Praise

I use to think that God was not pleased with me unless I was in the act of praying, studying the bible, witnessing, or at church. You know... doing "sanctified" stuff. Surely He wasn't sitting in heaven smiling at me while I'm out to eat with friends, telling lame jokes and laughing, enjoying my favorite foods, watching a movie, or getting the best sleep I've ever had in my life. I mean... those aren't "Christian" activities. But truth is, the most consistent way that we can give God praise is through enjoying life and the things that He has given us. It is not the enjoyment of life that puts us in danger of placing things before God, it is when the things that bring joy are more important than God. 

Think about it this way, the best way for someone to show you their appreciation for a gift you've given them, is when they use it and like it. Imagine spending hours searching for the perfect gift for a friend or relative. Let's say that it is a bracelet. Well every time you see them they have the bracelet on. Or maybe it was a crock pot and they've been cooking in it every since you gave it to them. Nothing brings you more joy than to give someone a gift and they absolutely love it and have use for it. Well... God has given us not only our lives but everything that we have in it as gifts to be used and enjoyed. 1 Timothy 6:17 reminds us to put our hope in God, who provides us with everything for our enjoyment. So how do you think it reflects when we sit around moping and complaining about the most minimal things? We appear unappreciative. What if God said, "Oh, you don't like it (life)? Well I'll take it back!" What if He stopped giving you gifts because you don't enjoy or appreciate them? We often get so caught in trying to make a living that we forget to enjoy life. 

In efforts of living lives that are pleasing to God, we tend to focus more on refraining from sin than enjoying God's wonderful works. As we strive to live holy, we confine ourselves to a set of rules that distract us for enjoying life itself. This is especially prevalent with those that are fresh in their walk with the Lord, those that have rededicated their lives to Christ, or those that have developed a commitment to religion and but not necessarily a relationship with Christ. Sometimes we are so focused on the rules of religion that we forget to actually live. When we go through our lives focusing more on whether or not we are sinning, we take the joy out of living. The word says that all have fallen short. Paul told the Romans that even when he wanted to do right, wrong was still in him.  Trust that if you are studying the word and allowing the Holy Spirit into your life, you will be directed towards godly wisdom to help you stay away from sin.  One pastor commented that people can be so heavenly that they aren't any good on earth. :) But God has given us instructions regarding sin to keep us from experiencing harm and sin induced suffering so that we may enjoy life. How ironic that sin is often committed in efforts to enjoy life but God warns us against sinning so that we can enjoy life! Jesus said in John 10:10, “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” Solomon said in Ecc. 2:24-26 that we are to “eat and drink and find satisfaction in our work. This too is from the hand of God for without Him who can eat or find enjoyment? To the man who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness.”

God wants us to enjoy this life that we have here on earth. Granted everyday won't be roses and sunflowers but I promise that even on your worse day there is something you can find to praise God for in simply enjoying it. How many times have you caught your favorite things on sale or was able to just relax to watch your favorite show? God knows what makes you happy and He wants you to be that way. And back to gift giving: if you gave someone a gift and they enjoyed it, wouldn't you be more apt to giving them gifts more often? Just by living and enjoying life you are showing God with your actions, your fruit, that you are appreciative of Him. 

In addition, as a Christian, our happiness and enjoyment of life is a witness of God's joy to people. People tend to think that Christians don't enjoy life, that we don't have fun, and that a life lived with God is boring and dull. Why would someone want to dedicate their lives to God if you dedicated yours and now you are miserable? Walking around looking pitiful, cooped up in the house never going anywhere but church, trying to hide from anything that ain't holy. That isn't an effective witness, sis. Show the world that God gives you joy! 

God created Adam and Eve to rule over the earth. To work and take care of all of His other creations. So by enjoying life and being productive daily, you are actually being obedient to God. Jesus felt it was so important that we not worry and enjoy life that he blatantly lays out instructions for such in Matthew 6:25-34. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, what we will eat, drink, or wear. He comforts us in saying that He knows what we need. He is telling us to stop worrying about stuff, trust Him to handle all of that and just enjoy life. The joy of the Lord should be your strength!  

Don't get me wrong, time with God is essential. Your life of praise and worship is important to maintain a relationship with our Savior. But there are things that you do on a daily basis, chores, that are also directly linked to God's purpose for you and the calling on your life. These things bring God praise because you are allowing His will to be done.  Whether it is working a job to provide for a family, spending time with friends to foster relationships and share God's love, or working out to ensure that you are a healthy vessel for His use, God wants you to enjoy your to-do list as much as possible.  It may be helping your child with his/her homework or cooking dinner, lending an ear to a coworker, maybe even going to work to have the funds to help build the kingdom or provide shelter for your family. It could be being a suitable helper for the husband God has blessed you with. These are all things that give God praise because in doing these everyday chores you are fulfilling the will of God. The joy that God gives us to enjoy life comes from peace beyond understanding. It is the realization that despite what happens, all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. It is contentment in what you have because you know the Lord will supply all of your needs according to His riches. You don't have to worry because you trust that God will give you the desires of your heart if they align with His will so you can enjoy the gift of life. 

All of these things and so many more are obtained through a consistent prayer life, studying the word, and building upon your relationship with God. That is the only way that you know of the promise, that is the only way that the Holy Spirit can enter your heart and give you the peace and guidance necessary to enjoy life. We celebrate the gift of life when a baby enters the world. Let's celebrate everyday that we awake and are able to open the gift again! Live a little, sis. Give God glory with your life! We all want to enjoy life... I just wanted to remind you that God wants you to enjoy life too! 

I love you!,

Daily Prayer: Lord, please help me to cast my cares on You so that I may enjoy life. Help me to see the beauty in life and give You glory by enjoying the blessings that You have bestowed upon me. 
Scripture to Study: Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us... Ephesians 3:20

Monday, January 7, 2013

How to Love...

No girlfriend, not the Lil Wayne song... 

Many of us don't really know how to love or what it is. I know I know, we've been "lovin" all of our lives right? Shoooot, we go way back to giving out Valentine Day cards in Kindergarten. (Some of y'all might have to think back a little bit further than others.) I digress, but the easier of the two questions to answer is what love is. Webster defines love as an intense feeling of deep affection, a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone, a personified figure of love, often represented as cupid, a friendly form or attraction to. The definition goes on and on through different explanations. However, not one time is God mentioned. Can you believe that? Webster had the audacity to mention Cupid but not God!!! That alone is indicative of the skewed perception we have developed of love. Understanding love is important because it is one of the most important commandments. Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus explains that of the greatest commandments the first is to love God with all of our heart, mind, and souls and secondly that we should love one another as we love ourselves. This is difficult to do if we do not truly understand the concept of love as God intends. 

What is Love? 

Well, sis, GOD IS LOVE. 1 John 4:8 clearly states, "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." So in order for us to know what love is, we must know God. They are one in the same. Building a relationship with, and studying the Word of God for who He is, is the first step to knowing what love is. We have to know who God is. I'll assume we are all on the same page there. So let's dig into the concept of love. It is difficult for us to understand the concept of love because we are not very knowledgeable regarding the principalities in which it was founded.  The first misconception about love is that it is based on a feeling, attraction, or an action. When we go to explain the love we have for someone or something, it is based on how the person treats us, what has been done for us, or how the object makes us feel. If we review the verse previously stated, we can see that there is not an action involved. According to the word, love is not what God does, it is what He is! Therefore, love is not based upon an implied action here. Are there people in your life that you would still "love" if they could never do another thing for you? Be honest with yourself. If your love would leave with whatever actions caused it, then that, my dear is not love. 

The type of love that we display is mercurial, meaning it has the capacity to change from day to day, moment to moment, or situation to situation. We are inept to fall out of love or withhold love based on conditions. Our love is conditional. It is founded upon the conditions that are present. God's love is the exact opposite. It is unconditional. Paul rhetorically asked the Romans "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" (Romans 8:35) Sis, there is nothing that will make God stop loving us. The closest example that I have seen to unconditional love is that in which a parent has for a child. Despite what the child does, who they become, how many times they mess up, the parent still loves the child. The love for the child is without condition; it doesn't matter whether times are good or bad or what happens the love is still present. It is not so much based on a circumstance. This is similar to the love God has for us, but nothing actually compares. 

How to Love

John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  To turn love into an action that we are able to express we must know how to do so. This scripture gives us direction in that God defined his loved in that He gave something (or Someone). Love is evident in what we give. The greatest love as displayed here was a sacrificial gift. It was given without the expectation of receiving something in return.  We may give or provide for someone we love, as long as it doesn't hinder long as we don't have to sacrifice our own desires. Wow... Keep in mind that these are material possessions that you are withholding from those you love for your own comfort, when God gave His son. In essence, this type of expression says, I love you as long as it doesn't cost me anything. The Word of God tells us however to love each other as He has loved us. Put yourself in Abraham's shoes. (Genesis 22:1-9) What if God told you to sacrifice your only son? Would you question Him? Would you hesitate? I mean, you love your son too much right? Abraham didn't. He prepared his son to be sacrificed without questioning or doubting God because he loved God more and understood that His expression of that love was in his sacrifice. But just as He placed his son on the sacrificial altar, God stopped Him. Abraham had been tested and He found favor with God. He was willing to sacrifice something he loved to be obedient to God. God doesn't even require you to sacrifice those you love, but usually things that can be replaced or acts as free as hugs as expressions of love.

Romans 5:8 says, "But God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Hold on while I shout.......!!! Not only is the love that God has for us sacrificial or without expectation, but it is given in spite of. Although we were sinners and undeserving, He loved us anyway. The word says God has loved us with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3) This is the very essence of a display of unconditional love. Love is given regardless of how you view a person, what they are capable of doing for you, or how they make you "feel". Despite how undeserving you believe the person is of your love, you are still called to love them. Love, like many other Christian attributes, is based on a decision more than a feeling. God loves us even when we don't deserve it and have wronged Him. In our pursuit of righteousness, we are to do the same for one another. Most folks haven't betrayed us nearly as much as we have betrayed God. 

Matthew 4:43-48 calls our culture out on the practice of the saying love your neighbor and hate your enemies. But Jesus says here that that doesn't make you special. He actually says in verse 46, "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even tax collectors doing that?" In essence, He is saying that even the worse of the worse (tax collectors were pretty bad back then) love people who love them, but as Christians we are called as always to go a step further. We are to love those that persecute us, that talk about us behind our backs, that are low down to us. If given the opportunity we are to help them and at every opportunity we are to pray for them. That's tough, huh? It may take some practicing but God can soften your heart. He can assist you in not speaking a bad word about those that have wronged you even when you are fully capable of doing so. This pleases God and brings Him glory; when we began to love people as He loves us. Remember sis, it isn't optional. We are talking about eternal life.

More discrete instruction on love is given in one of the most widely used passages regarding love. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is a clear list of instructions on how to love and just as with all other scriptures we are not at liberty to select which ones we will abide by or which ones will relate to us. Love is all of these things, not just the ones we feel we are capable of doing. 
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
Here is my explanation of this verse: Love doesn't get mad when others don't do what we want, when we want them to (it's patient). Love is nice, it doesn't have a smart mouth or an attitude all the time (it's kind). Love is not jealous of what people they love have (envious), it doesn't brag on what it has done for it's loved ones (boastful), and it isn't so prideful that it can't ask for help from those it loves (proud). Love doesn't talk behind people's backs or lie to them (dishonor), it doesn't look for how it can benefit from the relationship (self-seeking), and it doesn't stay mad or get mad at any little thing (easily angered). And when someone does mess up, although love might remember it, they won't bring it up in the future because they aren't keeping record of it. Love doesn't purposely hurt others or cheat, it looks forward to doing the right thing. It looks out for others, it trust that they will do the right thing no matter what, and if they don't do the right thing, loves keeps on loving. Love doesn't stop loving...ever. 

I have sacrificed and given up things that I worked hard for for someone I love. Yes, it was difficult but I knew that it was what God told me to do. I've actually sacrificed quite a bit and you know what... everything that I gave up, has come back to me greater than before. To God be the glory! For the sake of love for God and love for others, be obedient to Him. Not all love will require you to sacrificially give, but most of it will.

Soooooo.... about all of that love you have??? Is it really love or is it lust? Lust looks a lot like love but it is actually based on attraction, a feeling, or an action. Ironically the very things we tend to define love with, are the adjectives used to define lust. Lust is a tool of the enemy to deceive us. His ultimate goal is for us to only be in lust with Jesus and each other so that we are not in the will of our Father. Remember, lust changes, love doesn't. Lust is based on circumstances and emotions, love isn't. Love is not easy by far, but it is possible and it is required to get to heaven! If you'll recall earlier we discussed how Jesus said this is one of the greatest commandments. It's pertinent that we get it right. Our lives depend on it. The easiest way for us to show the world the love of God is for us to love one another. Like...really love.  Remember love is a decision. Lust is more of a feeling. 

NOTE: It is important to add that many Christians have a common misconception about love that coincides with the level of relational interaction. I have encountered those that believed that I did not love them because I chose not to deal with them. Just because you are a Christian, commanded to love all, doesn't mean you also have to be a push over. You can certainly love someone unconditionally, just as Jesus does, without dealing with them personally in a close proximity. Jesus loved everyone, but not everyone was chosen to walk closely along side Him. Not everyone that Jesus loved was chosen as a disciple. There is a difference in loving someone and trusting them, and we are given godly wisdom to decipher between the two. So be wise, just because you love someone, it does not entitle them to run a muck in your life, making you quick to anger and pulling you away from love Himself; God. There are people that I do not talk to daily or would go out of my way to spend an excessive amount of time with, but I love them.  Love keeps no ill will in the heart. With Him, it's possible to love everyone. I've been there. We are called to love everyone, not like them! :) It's not an option, sis. It's a commandment. Now stop being nasty to people and do better!

With love (and I mean it),

Daily Prayer: God, please soften my heart and teach me how to love others as You love me. Show me the error of my ways and help me to be an example of love to everyone. Give me the patience to love others unconditionally and forgive me for those I've failed to love thus far.
Scripture to Study: The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 1 Timothy 1:5