Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hey Y'all!!!

    Welcome, Masterpieces! Welcome once, welcome twice, welcome three times in the name of Jesus Christ!!! :) This blog or as I'd like to to call it, this canvas, is to share with you the things that I wish someone would have shared with me when I became sold out for God, when I stepped out of the lukewarm waters and got on fire for my Father. To be honest this is just another avenue God has provided for me to show you that I love you and He does too! Seriously, there are so many things that we Christians are ashamed to ask because we feel folks will think we oughta know, things we feel we are alone in experiencing after giving our lives to God, and just stuff God has told me to tell you!

    Most of us have been in at church our entire lives or at least a few times, going through the motions but never really connecting or understanding. Many of us religiously attend service every Sunday, go to Bible Study on Wednesday night, vocational bible study, summer camp, revivals, and anything else they are having at church. But for some reason we keep falling and just can't stay on track. I'll admit that there was a time when I was one of the people that didn't go to church to enter the presence of God particularly or worship with a body of believers, but more so for one of the following reasons:

  • Maybe to ask for forgiveness. 
  • Maybe Aunt Brenda made me go (Bless her heart)
  • Maybe I was hoping somebody at the gates of heaven had a roll book and would see that I had decent attendance and would still let me in that thang despite how hot of a mess I was. 

      In just going through the motions of attending a building that we have deemed "church", we have failed to foster close personal relationships with God. Jesus said that He is the way and the truth and the life, that no one would come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). He said that we must really know Him in order to get to heaven and how can we do that without having a relationship with him? I pray that God will use me as a vessel to encourage you in your walk because as I encourage you I will encourage myself. As I witness to you, we'll grow together and it will all be for God's glory!!

    I have a special place in my heart for women, particularly young women. I am a young woman (I dare you to say different) and I know that it can be hard living life for God when the world around us is so full of distractions. Women are essential to the Kingdom of Christ. 77% of women in America believe in God, 66% of them pray daily, and 44% attend a church service weekly but until these numbers reach 100% there is work to be done. I want to pray with you, share biblical text and explanations, join you on your journey, reach other women, and grow with you as we grow closer to our Savior. Let's follow Jesus, die to ourselves and walk in His grace and mercy daily.

I love you, I really do...

Today's Prayer: God, I am serious about my relationship with you. I know I don't always give you the time that I should or share the love of Jesus with others as you have commanded, but I am committed to living my life for you starting anew and today I promise to give you the glory. Amen
Weekly Scripture: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

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