Monday, December 24, 2012

Forget Your Feelings

On any given day, if you asked me what I desire most, I would probably answer to sit at the feet of the Lord and bask in His presence. I want to please God. I want to hear Him say someday, "Servant, well done."

But I won't lie and tell you that everyday, I feel like praising God. There are days that I literally wake up sleepy. Not ready to tackle the day or face whatever is ahead. I'd prefer to just go back to sleep because I'm just that tired. There are Sundays when I don't feel like going to church and if I am PMS'ing I certainly don't feel like serving with anybody's ministry. To be honest honey, there are some days that I don't feel like praying when I wake up, studying the word or meditating. Sometimes I don't feel like being nice to people, helping them out, giving them a ride, being a listening ear or whatever. 

Maybe you've never had a day when you're running late, have a million things to do, and places to go. But I have and I know that on those days, I feel like I just don't have time to sit down and study the Bible. Sometimes there are so many other things on our mind that we are trying to deal with or figure out that we just don't feel like we have the energy to spend time in prayer. We figure we can't concentrate enough to meditate anyway. We don't feel like praising. We're so tired that it would be a halfhearted effort and God knows our heart, right? But these are the very times that we should push ourselves and do it anyway. There are times when we know the right thing to do but those feelings take over. It's nothing new sis. Paul said in Romans I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate to do. And if I do what I do not what to do, I agree that the law is good. 

What we have to understand is that we don't praise God, worship God, or obey God because we feel like it. Feelings change. Feelings are based on our flesh and the Word tells us that we are to die to our flesh. (Romans 8:13-14) We praise, worship and obey because He is God! This isn't a matter of what we want to do, sis. It is a matter of what we were created for; to worship and be obedient. It is a matter of what we have to do! The KJV of Isaiah 43:21 says,"This people have I formed for myself; they shall show forth my praise". John 14:23 says, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." Look, I can't speak for you sis, but I certainly want God to make His home with me! 

There are numerous other accounts in the Bible were God's faithful servants who were obedient despite their feelings were blessed. Job probably didn't feel like doing anything anymore. Surely Moses didn't feel like leading such hard headed, ungrateful people.  And I know Jacob didn't feel like working seven more years to marry Rachel. My pastor, Pastor Raley, reminds us often that we shouldn't wait until we feel something to praise God, we should just praise Him until we feel something. 

There are things in life that God has instructed me to do that I really didn't want to do, but I did it because the last thing I want to do is disobey my Father. I want Him to be pleased with me. Pastor Donnie McClurkin once said that you don't obey God because you want to, you do it because you have to. He went on to say, "How many times did your momma tell you to do something and you didn't want to, but you did it anyway." Sure there were times when she told you to wash dishes or take out the trash. You rolled your eyes and mumbled under your breath... but you did it. God doesn't really care about you complaining, He doesn't care how you feel about what He has instructed. Girl... HE IS GOD! Do what He says despite how you feel or whether or not you "think" it's the best thing. 

You can't see what God can see. He is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. So while you are deciding whether to follow His instructions based on your own knowledge, feelings, perception, intuition, or understanding, He has decided based on a known outcome ......that He created. 

I will say that I am at a point where I am hungry for God's presence, I am thirsty for His guidance, and I seek to be in constant contact with Him. It's just that I don't feel like working at it every second of every day. There are times during the day or on particular days where I push myself to read and study the word. I've even set alarms on my phone that notify me hourly with a note that reminds me to think about Jesus. By now, praying has become second nature but I certainly had times when I woke up, showered, got ready and thought to myself "Did I pray this morning?" It took me pushing my feelings aside and building habits of obedience. We must practice being obedient despite how we feel based on our faith in God. Your faith in Him leads you to obey despite what situations look like or how you feel because you know He has your best interest at heart. 

So despite how you feel, what you want to do, or what you think is right... your best bet will ALWAYS be to obey what God says. 

You might not feel like praying with others... (James 5:16)
You might not feel like feeding the homeless..... (Matthew 25:40) 
You might not feel like refraining from having sex with that man that isn't your husband..... (1 Thessalonians 4:3–4)
You might not feel like being single...... (1 Corinthians 7:34-40)
You might not feel like being kind and compassionate.... (Ephesians 4:32) 
You might not feel like reading the bible today.... (Joshua 1:8)

Think of it like this.. what if God didn't feel like doing any of the things He has done for you? What if Jesus hadn't of been crucified because He didn't feel like it? Sis, your reward is being stored in heaven. God sees your obedience and your sacrifices. He sees when you are serving others and striving to trust Him more than your feelings and flesh. Stop being hard headed and trust God's infinite wisdom over your simple little feelings. The last thing you want is for God to place you in time out....forever! 

With Love, :) 

Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me to die to the flesh and disregard my feelings. Guide me in Your way and instruct me in Your will. Forgive me for being disobedient and give me the strength to obey despite how I feel. 
Scripture to Study: "For if you love Me, you will keep My commandments." John 14:15

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