Wednesday, October 24, 2012

In the Bathroom

The bathroom. It's where you go to handle your business, to clean up, and to lose waste. If you have company or are visiting someone you typically change clothes in the bathroom as well. You brush your teeth, take care of your hair, and maybe even apply makeup. It is here that you are able to see your reflection and examine yourself in the mirror. You lotion up, put on deodorant and make sure you are fresh. Depending on where you are going, you might even put on your favorite body spray or perfume. One thing is for sure, this is your private place. The door is closed, no one can see you. 

Many of us talk on the phone while in the bathroom or scream through the door. There is an avenue of communication open to the outside world but we are not exposed for them to see. While in the shower there is even another layer of coverage for privacy: your shower curtain. Of course it is dual purposed because it keeps the floor from getting wet and you from splashing water all over the place and making a mess. If you are like me, sometimes you play music or keep reading material in the bathroom. It get's hot and steamy in the bathroom. Sometimes it gets lonely in there...which is why we talk through the door or on the phone, I assume. Or perhaps that's why we pray when we are there, because we are lonely. Hmmm... the bathroom is often where we pray...... ahhhhh, the irony.

There is a season that God places us in sometimes that I like to call "The Bathroom Season." It is during this time that he hides us from the world in order to clean us up and make us presentable before reintroducing us to society. It's the type of cleaning that the psalmist asked for in Psalm 51:2 when he said wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. God uses this season to prepare us or get us ready. He shows us who we are by revealing us to ourselves (letting us take a look in the mirror). During this season, you will learn things about yourself that you weren't aware of. Your flaws will become clear, your shortcomings will become apparent, and God will instill in you those things that you need to work on before leaving the bathroom. Maybe a hair is out of place or your panties are inside out. I don't know... but whatever it is, God will show you those things that need fixing and allow you ample time to fix them without everyone seeing it. If he is preparing you for something in your next season, you will be able to use this bathroom time as time to practice or fix those things. 

It is quiet in the bathroom, so there is time to reflect, to repent, and to make resolution with God by asking for forgiveness. This season puts us back in relationship with God. It gives us the opportunity to confess our sins and allow Him to take them away.  I did say that the bathroom is also where you rid yourself of waste. Well, Psalm 51:7 of the KJV says purge me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Purge, meaning to rid, is used here although in other versions the verb purify is used.The herb hyssop was used by the Hebrews in sacred purification.  Therefore this particular verse represents the cleansing and purifying that would typically be done with hyssop, instead it is an allegory referencing he cleansing available to us from our Father . How awesome is our God?! We enter this season....  the bathroom, filthy, full of junk that is probably making our stomach hurt or sick in some fashion, smelling bad and sometimes looking a mess. Only to leave white as snow, so fresh and so clean! No condemnation in Christ means you are not punished for your shortcomings. God isn't angry at you, sis! He wants to clean you up. 

Your bathroom season doesn't mean that you must cease all communication from the outside world. Just as we talk on the phone or yell through the door, there are avenues of communication and interaction during your bathroom season. But don't be surprised if you still feel alone. God needs for you to feel alone so that you will rely solely on Him. He needs to get you alone so that He can talk to you. We depend solely on Him because no one else is there, and if they are, they just can't seem to comfort us. And just as when you are in the shower, He will also provide an extra barrier of protection to ensure that people don't get too close to you until He is ready. This, like the shower curtain is to protect both you and them. It protects you from being seen and it keeps them from getting dirty water, or whatever mess you are still holding on to from splashing on them.  

Recall I said that sometimes while in the bathroom I play music or read. This is indicative of praising and studying the word while you are in your bathroom season. Praise and worship is essential to our relationship with Christ because it draws Him near. James 4:8 says come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. We enter God's presence as we give Him praise and worship Him.  Also, God's voice is often revealed through His word. So during this season of seclusion and loneliness, while you are hidden from the world and you feel all alone, stay in His word more than ever. He will talk to you through scripture. Remember 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all scripture is God breathed and is good for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness

I know that the bathroom can be frustrating. I gets all hot and steamy or you may have a hard time eliminating waste (we're being real here, honey. It's just us). Some of those old habits are hard to break, that's waste. You can't even see in the mirror for a few minutes and you feel alone. Heaven forbid you are out of tissue. Yes sis, there will be times during this season where you are confused, unprepared and don't even feel as though you know yourself anymore. But trust that God has you there for your own good. He is making you presentable, responsible and getting you ready for the world. 

Just stay in there until you are clean. You will know it is time to step out when God opens the door for you. You will began to make Kingdom connections, as I call them. People will notice you, your light will attract them, you will be fearlessly exposed. The Lord will strategically place people in your life that speak life to you, that pray with you, advise you and help you keep your focus on Him. You will begin to get opportunities and you will notice your prayers coming into fruition. But more than anything, you will feel free. 

Sometimes we leave the bathroom looking totally different than we did when we entered. But more importantly, we feel different. We feel clean, lighter, and more approachable. Unashamed. Whereas before, you were shamed for anyone to see you that way! God is making you into a new creature while you are in that bathroom so you will not leave this season the way you went into it. Your burdens will be lifted after God rids you of the waste that has been worrying you to death. He said in his word that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Matthew 11:30)

Now ladies, even when we are no longer in the bathroom season, we still have to go to the bathroom.  If it is to freshen up, to grab some tissue, or whatever. There will be days that you need to step in your bathroom really quick and ask God to clean you. We are to die to our flesh daily. Dying to your flesh is killing the nasty thoughts, negative attitudes, and ungodly desires. Sometimes I have to die to my flesh hourly. But the important thing is that I take it to God and He rids me of the waste and cleans me up. He lets me use the bathroom whenever I have to and He puts me there when He needs to. :) Sis, the bathroom isn't a bad place. This season is only temporary. Soon... you'll step out looking like a million bucks and ready to go! 

With Love, 

Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father, while I am in this season of restoration and cleansing, please increase my patience. I know that you do all things well Lord and I trust that you have me here for a reason. Wash me clean of my sins Lord. Forgive me for all that I have done wrong. I give myself to you to be made over. 
Scripture to Study: Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.        Hebrew 10:22


  1. Yes!!!! That's some good gospel! God is good and I'm glad He's using you to glorify His name! Continue to lift Him up!!!

    1. God bless you, honey!! To God be all of the glory! He is using you too and I pray that He helps us bring others to the Kingdom! Love you!!!

  2. You definitely have a different approach to bringing the message! Love it. I never heard of the "bathroom season," but after reading this. I've had some "bathroom seasons" of my own. Your messages are definitely touching my spirit!
    love you....

    1. Glory!!!! We have all had these seasons Tug and if we hadn't it would do some of us some good too. Just want the sister's in Christ to know that being alone isn't always a bad thing because God is there. I love you!!! Thanks for sharing and caring!
