Saturday, October 27, 2012

Telephone,...It's God!

The most frequent complaint or cause of frustration for many of us is when we feel as though we can't hear from God. We are praying and praying and not hearing anything back. Well, sis, there are a few reasons why you are not hearing anything. You very well may be on the right track, following directions that God has given you so the second time you ask there is no need for Him to say anything. (When people constantly remind you of something they've asked you to do, it shows a lack of trust.) In this instance, continue doing whatever the last thing is He confirmed. Joyce Meyer's said once that she felt like she couldn't hear from God so she just kept doing the last thing He told her to do until she heard from Him again. There is no need for a teacher to continue correcting you if you are doing well.

But in other instances we can't hear from God because maybe we missed the call! Jesus is on the mainline, sis!!! Maybe God has already given you the direction you are seeking but you were too busy to answer the phone. Maybe you are seeking advice from everywhere but God; friends, family, websites, coworkers....anybody but God! Take your prayers and petitions to Him and wait for Him to answer. He may have called and you answered the phone and didn't let Him get a word in. Sheesh, sis. You just went on and on and on and on. He didn't have a chance to say anything. It is important that we understand that an essential part of prayer is listening. Prayer is a two way communication; you talk, God listens. God talks, you listen.

There are also situations where we are on the phone with God and trying to do a million other things at the same time. Watching tv, listening to music, washing dishes...just distracted and all over the place. You can barely hear from Him because there is too much background noise. Get to your quiet place so you can cancel out all other noises and be still! Pay attention. What you don't want is for God to force the distractions away.

Maybe God is calling from a different number and you don't recognize it so you didn't answer. Or even worse maybe you answered, you hear Him and didn't know it was Him because you usually don't answer so you don't know how He sounds. God speaks to us in a number of different ways. It may be confirmation through a sermon, scripture, a song, prayer with a friend, or a blatant sign. Just because God isn't speaking in this voice you've made up in your head or seen on movies, doesn't mean He isn't speaking to you. Be open to accepting Him through whatever avenue He makes Himself available to you. Pray for the spirit to discern His voice and direction.

There are also times when we've heard God clearly, we know what He has said. But it wasn't what we wanted to hear so we keep waiting, thinking if we keep calling Him pleading our case He'll change His mind and say what we want to hear. Nope. Not happening, sis. God's word is final and eternal. If He has told you to do something or given you direction on something chances are He isn't going to change His mind so you may as well just be obedient. 1 Samuel 15:22, And Samuel said, “Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of ramsThe situation or circumstance may change or if God see's you are being obedient to His initial instructions, He may direct you further or alter your path, but you must be obedient to what He says when He says it. As my sis, D'Lorah says, "Delay is an excuse to disobey."

Don't screen God's calls or have poor phone etiquette, sis. He wants to hear from you but he also wants to talk to you. If you are going through a period where you are longing to hear from Him, be patient and read your bible. Remember, that bible is HIS WORD! He speaks through it.

Love you!!,

Daily Prayer: Dear God, please help me to clearly discern Your voice. Teach me to be quiet and obedient. Lord, I yearn for Your instruction and I trust Your directions. Speak to me Father and open my heart to hear. 
Scripture to Study:  But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:28


  1. So Far, this is my favorite.

    1. Amen! It blessed me too.. gotta practice being patient while we wait for Him to speak. Love you!!!
