Friday, October 26, 2012

Jesus, Be a Tow Truck!

This post is a little random, but God put it on my heart so follow me.... Not very long ago I was heading to get my little brother from work and drove behind a tow truck similar to the one pictured below for practically the entire way. Initially my thought was, "Smh, tow trucks...taking people's money and cars. Nothing but bad news." Then I noticed the cross shaped mechanism on the back. And thought... whoa, Jesus be a tow truck. Maybe they aren't that bad after all!

My initial thought of the tow truck was due to a conditioned response.  I've come out of buildings a few times hysterical, unable to find my car, only to find it had been towed. I would be able to get it back, but there was always a hefty fee and the initial panic of "OMG! WHERE IS MY CAR!?" My response was also prompted by the knowledge that tow trucks are typically called when a car needs repair, has been wrecked, or has broken down. They are also responsible for picking up vehicles that have been repossessed for non-payment. If you think about it, none of these on the surface are good things. All of them would probably constitute a bad day in anyone's book. But are those things really that bad? Less emotional and more rational thought allows us to see the tow truck as coming to the rescue. Jesus, be a tow truck? Jesus to the rescue.

Like a car that has been repossessed, we couldn't pay the price so Jesus to the rescue. He paid the price for our sins. (Hebrews 9:15, 1 Timothy 2:6) In addition, how much of a burden was that car note that the owner was unable to pay? How stressful was that situation that the owner may have been subjecting themselves to, unwilling to relinquish and just too prideful to let it go? Enters the tow truck, here to take the worry away. That very issue that you are holding on to, trying to figure out how you are gonna make it work, stressing over can just be turned over to Jesus. Let him pick up your worries. Psalm 68:19 says "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." Granted, it may be embarrassing that your car was repossessed but the peace of not being bogged down with the payment and the relief of not having to hide the car will be priceless. Likewise, it might be embarrassing that people know you've had to give up whatever was weighing you down but letting it go will free you. Jesus to the rescue.

Like the car that has broken down, needs repair, or has been wrecked, we often are in bad shape ourselves. Life is beating us up and we don't know how much more we can take. We are literally and figuratively broken down and wrecked, but Jesus to the rescue. The tow truck carries that car when it won't move. It takes it be fixed and places it in good hands. Jesus is a healer, he restores and he redeems. He carries us when we just don't think we can make it any further. Isaiah 40:11 tells us that He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. There is only one way to the Father, through Jesus, the son.(John 14:6) Jesus carries us to God to be all fixed. Jesus to the rescue.

Like the car that has been illegally parked, sometimes knowingly, and is possibly blocking someone else's way, we are often out of place. We may be blocking someone else from God or willfully doing wrong.  Sometimes it is necessary for Him to move us out of our own way and the way of others. If the tow truck didn't move the car, it could have caused an accident, someone could have hit it, or they may not have been able to park in a space that was designated for them. Jesus will move you. Even when it's frustrating for you, it is usually for your own good. You may have to pay for the mistake, but your car is safe. You may face the consequences of your actions, but your life is saved and what God has designated for you is for you! Jesus to the rescue.

Not all that happens to you is bad. Understand that God sees what we don't and in all things God works for the good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28) Trust His plan, He does not see things as man does. It is impossible for us to understand what He is doing sometimes but if you have faith and you stay in relationship with Him, you can trust that He is working it out for you. Often what we see as a mishap is really God protecting us. 

Funny story: As I was looking for the picture for this post I actually saw another post similar to this. Not only was that confirmation, but it let me know that maybe I'm not as random as I thought. Look at God ;)

Daily Prayer: Father God, thank you for your son Jesus. Thank you for protecting me and looking out for my best interst even when I don't understand what you are doing. You are God and your plan is perfect. Continue to cover me with Your grace.

Scripture: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? Romans 8:35

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