Friday, February 1, 2013


The tabernacle... a tent, place of dwelling, or sanctuary. The Bible tells us that it was a sacred place where God chose to meet His people, the Israelites, while they aimlessly wandered around the desert for 40 years. The tabernacle would contain the Ark of the Covenant (the commandments) and it would be where the people would come together to worship God, offer sacrifices, and dwell in the Lord's presence. God gave Moses specific instructions on every aspect of the construction of the tabernacle. Sis, I'm talking about exactly how long the cloth would be used for curtains, what to use to dye them, what color they should be, and so on!! The directions were particular to EVERY ELEMENT of the tabernacle. God was so thorough in this revelation to Moses, that He even gifted certain men to build the tabernacle and told him where to get the resources from. (And we tend to doubt the details in His plan for our life??...but anyway.....)

A reoccurring element in the construction of the tabernacle was hammered gold. Gold was beaten into thin plates to be used as a covering for other elements of the tabernacle. It was fashioned into thin sheets and threaded into the garments worn by the high priest. The highly studied Lampstand which was the only source of light for the inner court of the tabernacle was made of gold. The two cherubim (the little angelic baby looking sculptures) that were to be placed on the altar were made of gold. A sacred bowl used for things such as the drink offering was also made of gold. But you see... in all of these directions sis, God was specific to point out that the gold was "hammered gold". Beaten gold. Wonder why? Maybe the hammering of gold made it easier to work with. Gold that is beaten can be shaped and formed into practically anything.

The gold used on God's altar, in order to be good enough... had to be beaten, molded, hammered, heated. The gold that has been commonly used as an adornment since the beginning of time is typically beaten, molded, hammered, heated. One of the characteristics of gold is that it is malleable. This means that it is capable of being hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking. It will bend, but not break. Its capable of changing forms and becoming something new. Gold maintains value because it is resistant to oxidative corrosion. It doesn't rust when exposed to the elements. When subjected to water and wind, it maintains strength and shine. It is also considered ductile or able to be deformed without losing toughness. The melting point of gold is very low, making it easily used but also requiring it to be reinforced if brought anywhere near heat. But gold is one thing that consistently maintains value. It's mined, sold, melted, reshaped, and reformed... and continues to be used. You see... those things that are golden are beautiful, decorative, versatile, and valuable. 

And you, my dear... are golden.

Surely you've wondered why it seems like the better you think you are doing, the harder times get. Or the closer you get to God, the more things start falling apart. Or maybe you've just wondered why you are going through hell? Its getting hot, ain't it? Well..... like the gold that God instructed to be used in the temple, we have to be hammered or beaten into a form that can be used. The beating process of gold makes it flexible. The more we go through, the more flexible we are because we know how things can change at any minute and in order to survive we must adapt. Succumbing to the struggles of life conditions us for the battles we may face in life. In order for God to use us, we have to be capable of being heated, beaten, molded, shaped, thinned out or worn thin. In order to present ourselves on the altar before God, we may have to take a beating.  But you see sis, gold is soooo strong and pure that it takes the beating and remains resilient. It doesn't lose worth and it is still very valuable. No matter what you put gold through, it still shines. 

I want God to make me into exactly what He needs in order for Him to use me. If this entails taking a beating, then I understand that like those things used in the tabernacle, I too can be used for the Kingdom! Don't give up. You may be beaten but you are not broken. A single bar of gold, after being beaten can be stretched over 50 yards without breaking. Gold that has been heated and processed is also more appealing to spectators. All that you have been through, will make your witness to others more relevant. Your testimony will be more appealing because the tests you have faced will equip you to relate to others. Consumers are more likely to purchase gold that has been shaped. Those things that we face that seem difficult are preparing us to be used by God. Recall that the melting point of gold is very low so it must be reinforced if brought anywhere near heat. Sis, during our struggles, when things start heating up, trust that God is near. He is reinforcing you. He said in His word that He would never leave nor forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6) 

Take pride in all that you have been through because if you went THROUGH it, that means that you came out. If you are facing difficult situations or things are heating up, don't lose faith in God because chances are He is closer now than ever. Job 23:10 says "But He knows, the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold."  Like a goldsmith, when things start to heat up, He is near so that He can mold you into whatever the situation is making you. Despite what you are going through or have been through, understand that God will and can use it for your good. SHINE, SIS! You're being molded for His purpose. 

With love, 

Daily Prayer: Lord, help me to stay strong in my time of struggles. I know that all things happen for the good of those that love You. Please make me new and make me into whatever I need to be so that you can use me. 
 Scripture to study: And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’” Zechariah 13:9



  1. I love it!!! I never looked at going through something to be shiny in the end. I always say that there is purpose in your pain. But to be thought of as gold to be shaped and molded to what God wants us to be is amazing and it is the wisdom of God. He wants us to go through so that we can learn, He wants us to know better and when we know better we do better!!

    1. Amen!!! Isn't it encouraging to know that ALL THINGS work together for the good of those that love the Lord, Brandy? I'm so grateful that there is even purpose in the tough times. Bless you for sharing darling!
