Friday, December 7, 2012

While You Wait Part 1

Time flies when you're having fun, huh? Well it definitely doesn't fly when you are waiting on something. Actually it seems to stop. Well.. your time seems to while everyone else's is moving right along and honey that will frustrate the strongest of saints. I don't know about you, sis. But patience is something I struggle with. It is something that I am working on, praying for and learning how to apply. I heard a minister say recently that praying for patience was risky because if God gives you patience that may mean you have to wait longer for what your "it" is. I agree. But I also believe with my whole heart that the God that created time, knows better than anyone when it is time. We frequently comment that "all things happen in God's time." And despite how convincingly we make the statement, we are not always okay with that. You're human sis, I know you get impatient too. Waiting on that check, house, new car, husband, promotion, new job, baby, opportunity, revelation or peace...OMG! When, Lord?!!! 

Whatever it is you are waiting for, you want it now! I'll be honest, there are some things that I want NOW as well. But I know that the reality is that I very well may not be ready for them or prepared for all that these things may bring. I understand that I need to prepare, practice, and plan for whatever my "it" is and when God, the Giver of all things, feels I am ready, it'll come. God's time is not like man's. Why do you want it now anyway? Is it to make life easier on yourself, to make yourself happy, or to fulfill God's purpose? Check your motives instead of the clock. While we only see the clock on the wall, the sunset or sunrise, the calendar numbers change... He see's the beginning, the end, and an entire picture of how all aspects surrounding every situation will be effected. While we may only be thinking about our position or promotion, God is strategically arranging things so that they will work together for the good of all of those that love the Lord! (Romans 8:28)

Although I know these things, there are still times when the wait is a bit difficult. The anticipation of what is to come can cause us girls a mountain of stress because we are wired to over-analyze situations. Stress is brought about when we are not aware of what is going on or we feel that we are not in control. I certainly understand and have too laid in my bed for hours unable to sleep thinking about "when". This can be especially frustrating when God has shown you or confirmed the "it" to you, but there is not a direct timeline available. Or maybe you thought there was a designated time and it has come and gone. Chances are that designated time was not God's time therefore it was irrelevant. Remember sis, anytime we feel anxiety because of lack of control or uncertainty about what is going on during the wait or why, we are not fully trusting God. We want to know what day, what time, what hour, and what minute. It is very easy to exclaim that we have faith, but worrying (caused by thinking too much usually) means that faith is not being put into practice. It is just being announced. You know like I do that faith without works is dead. (James 2:17)

The wait isn't a bad thing though. Hear me out, beloved. There are several reasons why the wait is beneficial. Our Heavenly Father knew this concept would be hard to grasp and harder to practice so He gave us plenty of encouragement in His word regarding the wait. (I'll give you a few go-to scriptures later.) The struggle to wait on the Lord's promise is also not something new. It has been an issue with man since back when God promised Abraham and Sarah they would conceive as they approached and surpassed childbearing years. Recall with me that Sarah, impatient in the wait, had her servant Hagar sleep with Abraham to bear a child for her. (What Sarah?!) Yeah, you may not be able to relate to Sarah's impatience but if you think a little I am certain you can recall a situation in which you tried to take time into your own hands and make something happen.  I have learned that when we attempt to take time into our own hands, we are taking our lives out of God's hand. How many messes have you made with your hands? How many messes has God made with His? I think you would agree with me that His hands are the best place for our lives to be because clearly we've messed it up before. Maybe you haven't... but I have. 

Waiting serves several important purposes. Generally we are not ready for what we are waiting for. God understands that there is a process for promotion. Any step up in additional responsibility requires some level of preparation or training. You may be waiting on a new car but are not in the best financial position to make the payments. You may be waiting on a husband but there are some personal, financial, or emotional issues that you need to work out before committing to someone else lifelong. You may be waiting on a new job but there are skills that you need to acquire or discipline that you need to obtain before entering a new career. On the other hand, you may be ready to receive what God has for you but it isn't ready for you. Maybe God is working on getting the interest rates down on the car, cleaning up your credit so that you can get a better deal, making that man into a husband (There is a difference. We'll discuss that later), or situating the new career opportunity to make it a smooth transition. There are some things going on behind the scenes that you can't see. 

It is also likely that if the prep period is rushed, we may not be prepared once we receive it. That may lead to us misusing or being disobedient with it, causing us to lose it. Something that we have waited on so long.... gone... all because we weren't ready. The right thing at the wrong time may as well be the wrong thing! Think about some of the things that you've been praying for and waiting on. If God has yet to reveal what you should be doing while you wait, seek guidance. Meditate on these things and meet me back here in a couple of days to explore the wait further. Yes... you have to wait for the next post! :) 

With Love, 

Daily Prayer: Lord, I trust Your promise. I pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You for our daily bread and enough grace to make it through today. Help me to wait on Your plan and prepare me for whatever will bring You glory. 
Instead of a scripture to study, please check the follow up post for a few scriptures that you can jot down or bookmark to help you, to encourage you while you are waiting. Let's be transparent and real with each other while we are struggling with waiting, ladies. God has not forgotten us. :)


  1. Happy to have found this blog. I so needed this post. Anticipating the follow up.

    1. I'm praising God that you found it too! Bless you for reading. I pray that things get even clearer for you. Enjoy God's favor, beloved.

  2. So, this particular blog came right on time. I just a received an email saying that this school that I really want to get in, is still currently evaluating my application. I was hoping for the automatic acceptance and my heart sank a little when I received the communication. I'm trying my best to wait patiently. The one thing I do know, is that my GOD is so good! Through the ups and the downs, the good and the bad, HE is worthy of all my praise!!!!!

    1. Yes He is!!! I'm praying with you that God's will is done. We both know that He has plans for you to prosper and not fail. Keep hoping and expecting Tug, but more than that keep trusting. You've worked sooo hard, it might take a little longer to prepare your "it". Love you sooo much!!!

  3. Sittin here crying. Love you. I needed this!

    1. I love you too, friend! But God loves you so much more. So much, that He is willing to let you learn from a little ache while He prepares the amazing things He has in store. I'm so glad that He is not the kinda Father that gives in when we struggle and gives us a half finished gift. Nope! He makes us wait until the best is ready! Hold on friend, God is gonna use those very tears to wash you clean and dress you up when it's time to receive His promise.
