Friday, November 30, 2012're a Christian?

A demonym, also known as a gentilic, is a name of a resident of a country and is derived from the name of the home of origin. The word comes from the Greek word for "populace" and helps to identify residents from a particular place. It is a personal name describing the inhabitants of an area that may be recognized by particular characteristics. The most common suffix for a demonym is "an". Here are some examples:

  • Brazili-ans - people from Brazil
  • Americ-ans - people from America
  • Europe-ans - people from Europe
  • Egypti-ans - people from Egypt

Stay with me, sis. I promise there isn't a quiz :) The people of a nation are named according to where they are from and identifiable characteristics. Meaning, if you come across an American in Japan, generally you can tell their nationality by their language, physical traits, and certain habits or mannerisms. The same applies for Egyptians, Europeans, and Brazilians. Interesting, huh? That leads me to this: 
  • Christi-ans - people from Christ
The name is tossed around so loosely that it has lost significance. Are you identifiable as a Christian, one from Christ, by your language, physical traits, or certain habits and mannerisms? If you never told anyone outside of your church that you were a Christian, would they know? Even our family names, your last name has significance to many of us. We are proud to be "Sharpes, Williams, Crosses," or whatever. People that don't even know you can look at you sometimes and see a resemblance to your family members. I've definitely had people say to me "Ain't you Carolyn's daughter?" or "You look just like them Stewards". (Pardon the grammar, I'm from the country.) But when it comes to the most important title I hold, a Christian, am I as recognizable? 

When I shared with a colleague that I would be launching a blog for Christian women, she replied "But Kim, are you a Christian? I mean I know you really love Jesus and you've changed a lot. But I thought Christians wore long dresses and talked only about God or did church stuff and you know...kinda act like they think they are better than everybody else. You don't dress like that or act like that. Or maybe sometimes they say they are Christians but they are the same as everybody else. I guess I just know you love Jesus and you seem much better than you use to be." I kid you not...this is exactly what she said. It didn't offend me at all. My thought was "BINGO! Time to witness. Let's go, Holy Spirit!!!" It was an opportunity to tell somebody what it really means to be a Christian. 

Part of the issue, is society's misconception of what a Christian is or looks like. Somewhere along the line, we have given off a false sense of how to identify us. Traditionally Christians may have looked or been portrayed a certain way, due to tradition, denomination, or media. But we should be identifiable based on our relationship with Jesus Christ because that is where we are from. That is where we are "genetically" linked. Those are the habits we should have. Those of people from Christ. I want to act like Jesus did so you'll know we are related. I want to carry myself in a way that exudes joy, peace, and grace. We are called to be 'set apart'; in this world but not of it. Therefore, people in and of this world should be able to tell you are set apart (different) without you telling them. You should look differently, act differently, speak differently. 

So, what are the attributes of a Christian? How do Christian women look? 

Although it doesn't tell us in the bible exactly what outfits we should and should not wear, how much cleavage is acceptable, or how small our shorts can technically be, it does tell us that we should not do anything that would cause a brother or sister in Christ to fall. If wearing what has been deemed as sexy clothes is going to have men lusting and having ungodly thoughts then it's probably not the best option. Granted, some men will do so if you have on a potato sack so there is no need in helping them out. Women of God, Christian women should use modesty as the basis for determining attire. Modesty is behavior, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency. Now I too struggle with this a bit so it is something that I am working on. I often take a second look in the mirror before wearing certain things and I keep in mind that I am a daughter of the Most High. We can still be beautiful and dress respectfully. We should be presentable, approachable, plus when you look good you feel good. 

Your nationality can also be visible in the way you live. Another way we can become identifiable as Christians is in how we conduct ourselves daily. 1 John 2:6 tells us that whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.  Maybe that's not that clear. Okay, here are some characteristics that the bible gives us that can help us improve our appearance as citizens of Jesus Christ. 

1 John 2:9 further tells us that anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in darkness. If you have hate in your heart, trust me it radiates out and people can tell through your attitude, bitter demeanor, or actions. Verses 15-16 tells us that we should not love the world or anything of the world. This means that we do not lust, be prideful, or live in sin. Christians do what is right, all the time, even when no one is watching (God is always watching by the way). Webster's dictionary considers this as having integrity, but I call it acting like Jesus. Granted we all fall and sinful thoughts are bound to pop in our heads, but there is a difference in it popping there and staying there. Sometimes we really have to stop and ask ourselves that old cliche, "What would Jesus do!?" Seriously. 1 Peter 2:15 says that by doing good, you silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. In your Christian walk, people may talk bad about you. But you should live your life in a way that no one will believe them. 

Colossians 3 tells us that we should set our sights on things above. This is evident in the way we live our lives. Those of us that belong to Christ don't participate in things that are sinful: sexual immorality or impurity (fornication, adultery, etc), evil desires (wishing bad on people), or greed. Do you really think if all I knew about God was the ten commandments and I see you breaking all eleven of them, I'm going to believe that you are a Christian? No ma'am. Definitely not. Going further Colossians gives us more instructions on how to carry ourselves as Christians. We are to rid ourselves of anger, rage, malice, talking bad about people, and filthy language. We should be respectful at all times. And we definitely shouldn't be professional liars., sis. God is the Truth. Clearly He doesn't reside in you and you don't reside in Him if you are compelled to lie every time your lips part. 

We are instructed to clothe ourselves in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. This is what a Christian looks like: pleasant. We are generally joyful, positive, optimistic, and encouraging. We dress with modesty, are well kept, and approachable. We are to love on people, let people know we love them and share the love of God. It will show in our actions. Christians are hard workers because we understand that we are working as though we are working for the Lord. We are to be peaceful....not messy. Not stirring trouble, looking for where the drama is and who is talking about who in their Facebook status so that we can call and tell someone else to look and see. Ah ha! (Forgive us, Lord). 

Christians are encouraging to others, we help the weak and are patient. We don't seek revenge but always strive to do what is good for each other and everyone else. (1 Thessalonians 5: 12-15) More than anything, we should take any opportunity possible to share the message of Christ, teaching those around us and praying with them. Yes, the most identifiable characteristic in where someone is from is when they begin to speak. Learn to speak Jesus, sis! It's so easy to know you are a Christian when people hear your "accent". 

And I'll cheat a little bit and give you one for free. Try to tell people, "God bless you" instead of "Thank you". Offer blessings to people as a sign of gratitude. When you are in the drive-thru getting food, if someone holds the door open for you at the store, or maybe when someone compliments your new hairstyle, instead of saying "Thanks" simply say "Bless you" and smile. Let's redefine what the world thinks a Christian looks like by our appearance and our acts! We are all family, we should all resemble our Father!!! 

Love you, 

Daily Prayer: Lord mold me into the image of Jesus Christ. Help me to live my life as a witness to Your kingdom. Make me identifiable God and mark me as a child of Yours, Heavenly Father. I am willing to do whatever I need to so that people will know I am from Christ, alive in Him and Christ lives in me! Make me over. 
Scripture to Study: To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps. 1 Peter 2:21

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