Friday, January 11, 2013

Live Your Praise

I use to think that God was not pleased with me unless I was in the act of praying, studying the bible, witnessing, or at church. You know... doing "sanctified" stuff. Surely He wasn't sitting in heaven smiling at me while I'm out to eat with friends, telling lame jokes and laughing, enjoying my favorite foods, watching a movie, or getting the best sleep I've ever had in my life. I mean... those aren't "Christian" activities. But truth is, the most consistent way that we can give God praise is through enjoying life and the things that He has given us. It is not the enjoyment of life that puts us in danger of placing things before God, it is when the things that bring joy are more important than God. 

Think about it this way, the best way for someone to show you their appreciation for a gift you've given them, is when they use it and like it. Imagine spending hours searching for the perfect gift for a friend or relative. Let's say that it is a bracelet. Well every time you see them they have the bracelet on. Or maybe it was a crock pot and they've been cooking in it every since you gave it to them. Nothing brings you more joy than to give someone a gift and they absolutely love it and have use for it. Well... God has given us not only our lives but everything that we have in it as gifts to be used and enjoyed. 1 Timothy 6:17 reminds us to put our hope in God, who provides us with everything for our enjoyment. So how do you think it reflects when we sit around moping and complaining about the most minimal things? We appear unappreciative. What if God said, "Oh, you don't like it (life)? Well I'll take it back!" What if He stopped giving you gifts because you don't enjoy or appreciate them? We often get so caught in trying to make a living that we forget to enjoy life. 

In efforts of living lives that are pleasing to God, we tend to focus more on refraining from sin than enjoying God's wonderful works. As we strive to live holy, we confine ourselves to a set of rules that distract us for enjoying life itself. This is especially prevalent with those that are fresh in their walk with the Lord, those that have rededicated their lives to Christ, or those that have developed a commitment to religion and but not necessarily a relationship with Christ. Sometimes we are so focused on the rules of religion that we forget to actually live. When we go through our lives focusing more on whether or not we are sinning, we take the joy out of living. The word says that all have fallen short. Paul told the Romans that even when he wanted to do right, wrong was still in him.  Trust that if you are studying the word and allowing the Holy Spirit into your life, you will be directed towards godly wisdom to help you stay away from sin.  One pastor commented that people can be so heavenly that they aren't any good on earth. :) But God has given us instructions regarding sin to keep us from experiencing harm and sin induced suffering so that we may enjoy life. How ironic that sin is often committed in efforts to enjoy life but God warns us against sinning so that we can enjoy life! Jesus said in John 10:10, “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” Solomon said in Ecc. 2:24-26 that we are to “eat and drink and find satisfaction in our work. This too is from the hand of God for without Him who can eat or find enjoyment? To the man who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness.”

God wants us to enjoy this life that we have here on earth. Granted everyday won't be roses and sunflowers but I promise that even on your worse day there is something you can find to praise God for in simply enjoying it. How many times have you caught your favorite things on sale or was able to just relax to watch your favorite show? God knows what makes you happy and He wants you to be that way. And back to gift giving: if you gave someone a gift and they enjoyed it, wouldn't you be more apt to giving them gifts more often? Just by living and enjoying life you are showing God with your actions, your fruit, that you are appreciative of Him. 

In addition, as a Christian, our happiness and enjoyment of life is a witness of God's joy to people. People tend to think that Christians don't enjoy life, that we don't have fun, and that a life lived with God is boring and dull. Why would someone want to dedicate their lives to God if you dedicated yours and now you are miserable? Walking around looking pitiful, cooped up in the house never going anywhere but church, trying to hide from anything that ain't holy. That isn't an effective witness, sis. Show the world that God gives you joy! 

God created Adam and Eve to rule over the earth. To work and take care of all of His other creations. So by enjoying life and being productive daily, you are actually being obedient to God. Jesus felt it was so important that we not worry and enjoy life that he blatantly lays out instructions for such in Matthew 6:25-34. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, what we will eat, drink, or wear. He comforts us in saying that He knows what we need. He is telling us to stop worrying about stuff, trust Him to handle all of that and just enjoy life. The joy of the Lord should be your strength!  

Don't get me wrong, time with God is essential. Your life of praise and worship is important to maintain a relationship with our Savior. But there are things that you do on a daily basis, chores, that are also directly linked to God's purpose for you and the calling on your life. These things bring God praise because you are allowing His will to be done.  Whether it is working a job to provide for a family, spending time with friends to foster relationships and share God's love, or working out to ensure that you are a healthy vessel for His use, God wants you to enjoy your to-do list as much as possible.  It may be helping your child with his/her homework or cooking dinner, lending an ear to a coworker, maybe even going to work to have the funds to help build the kingdom or provide shelter for your family. It could be being a suitable helper for the husband God has blessed you with. These are all things that give God praise because in doing these everyday chores you are fulfilling the will of God. The joy that God gives us to enjoy life comes from peace beyond understanding. It is the realization that despite what happens, all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. It is contentment in what you have because you know the Lord will supply all of your needs according to His riches. You don't have to worry because you trust that God will give you the desires of your heart if they align with His will so you can enjoy the gift of life. 

All of these things and so many more are obtained through a consistent prayer life, studying the word, and building upon your relationship with God. That is the only way that you know of the promise, that is the only way that the Holy Spirit can enter your heart and give you the peace and guidance necessary to enjoy life. We celebrate the gift of life when a baby enters the world. Let's celebrate everyday that we awake and are able to open the gift again! Live a little, sis. Give God glory with your life! We all want to enjoy life... I just wanted to remind you that God wants you to enjoy life too! 

I love you!,

Daily Prayer: Lord, please help me to cast my cares on You so that I may enjoy life. Help me to see the beauty in life and give You glory by enjoying the blessings that You have bestowed upon me. 
Scripture to Study: Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us... Ephesians 3:20

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