Tuesday, April 30, 2013



         I've been robbed twice. My home was invaded in 2007, I was forced in the bathroom while all of my things were taken and in May 2010, my car was stolen from the gas pump as I was headed to church. I'm so grateful to God that He kept me and remained the joy of my strength. I truly believe that as David expressed in Psalms, in the days of trouble, God kept me safe in His dwelling; he hid me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. (Psalms 27:5) However as I look back at both of these instances, revelation of a few other things pop up.

     Both of these events occurred during the day. Things that were rightfully mine were taken from me in broad daylight. The worse attacks of the enemy are the ones that are committed for everyone to see. It is embarrassing and makes you feel vulnerable. It also leads to a greater fear because we tend to believe that we are safe in the light. Maybe your home wasn't invaded by man or your car hasn't been taken from you but has the enemy ever robbed you of things that were rightfully yours for everyone to see....while you are trying to get your life right with God? Maybe your relationship fell apart and everybody knew about it. Maybe you lost your job and clearly people knew. Maybe you are in a financial bind and unable to do the things you once could. To make matters worse, these events may have occurred as you were walking in the light and on the righteous path. In the day time.

      Attacks of the enemy don't stop when we get saved and decide to follow Jesus. They become more vicious. "A thief doesn't rob an empty house." Satan wouldn't bother you if there wasn't something special inside of you! But you see... the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory. (Deuteronomy 20:4) The enemy's job is to distract you from God, to do everything he can to get you to follow him instead. If Satan has your things, he is hoping you will follow him to get them back. Illegally perhaps, maliciously, or not at all but continuing to follow him hoping you'll get something all the while on a pursuit for material things that lead you further from your Father. So this lil tactic of taking things is sometimes a ploy of Satan to try and convince you that God doesn't protect the blessings God gives. Satan wants you to believe that God isn't looking out for you or protecting you. THAT IS A LIE, SIS! We've all quoted Romans 8:31 in saying if God is for us, who can be against us? But do you really believe that? Do you really believe that God is your protector?

    Keep this in mind, sis. Satan had to ask for God's permission before he waged his all out attack on Job. Let that sink in.... God knows what He is doing and in every situation where something was taken from you, it could have been worse. Sometimes God has to allow things to be taken from us to give us something better. You would have never sought better if what you had wasn't taken. You wouldn't have ever applied for a better job if that one had not let you go. God also allows the lost of things to ensure that we are not focusing too much on the thing and not enough on the giver of the things... HIM! Sometimes God has to take things to remind us that as easily as they came, they can go. In doing so, He ensures that our joy is not found in material possessions and we are able to practice contentment. 

    In addition we must always trust that whatever Satan takes from us... we have the authority in Jesus name to take it back!!! Don't sit around being pitiful, waiting for God to go get your things, God has given you the key to where they are stored and full armor to march right up to Satan and get back all that is yours. When my house was invaded, all of my electronics and my purse were taken. My purse had all of my identification and a large amount of cash inside. I was in a completely different state, all alone (or so I thought), and far from family. But God was with me and everything that the enemy stole God empowered me to get it back and more. When my car was stolen, on my way to church, again my purse was taken with all of my identification in it. Apparently Satan must have thought both times that by stealing my identification, I would forget who I was. Uh...no. I am a daughter of the King! I know who I am and whose I am. My car was eventually found and returned as well....3 months later. I had to track down my car using the GPS on my phone, that was still inside the car to assist the police in locating the area it was being kept. But the important thing is that God empowered me to get my car back and more. Had I just sat around, without using the resources God had given me, the tenacity to stay on law enforcement, or the strength to go out riding around to find my car, it may have never been found.

    Sometimes we sit around, looking pitiful, acting like a victim, just "having faith" and waiting for God to do something. But faith without works is dead! Stop acting weak, get up and go take your things back, sis!  Don't let a public breakup kill your self esteem, improve upon yourself and learn to love yourself unconditionally for who God says you are. Don't let a financial crisis kill your motivation. Keep tithing, applying, readjust, and make the best of what you have. Don't let a bankruptcy, foreclosure, or car repossession still your joy! That is what the enemy can't take from you. YOUR JOY! Put on the full armor of God because your battle with the enemy may appear physical for all to see, when it is actually taking place in the spiritual realm. (Ephesians 6:10-18). Look, God is waiting for you to step up and operate in the confidence that you are the child of a King and you will not be defeated. It might take time, you might have to dust yourself off several times a day. But what God has allowed, He has given you all that you need to overcome. You are backed by the Most High, God's got your back!  

With Love,

Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for leaving me here although I have lost some people and some things. As long as I have you, I have all that I need. I know that vengeance is Yours, and I know that in my weakness Your strength is made perfect. Lord, I thank you in advance for multiplying everything the devil ever took from me. 
Scripture to Study: So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me". Hebrews 13:6

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